"For thus says the Lord: Lo, I will spread prosperity over her like a river, and the wealth of the nations like an overflowing torrent. As nurslings, you shall be carried in her arms, and fondled in her lap; As a mother comforts her son, so will I comfort you..." Isaiah 66:12-13

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just when you thought I was done with French Creek...

I really wanted to do a funny post with some of the cute things that the kids said on the camping trip. But I lost my notes. Yes, I made notes. And then I thought that I had washed them.

Fortunately for you they've turned up again. So here is "the cute things that the kids said while camping" post that you all were waiting for. (Yes, we've done other things since then, and yes I'm way behind in my posts. I might do it this week. Or not, since we're getting ready for NC.)


Mommy: Do you want to use your folding potty?
Maria: No, I will use the camp potty (in the motor home) with my Dora seat, because it's campier.

While hiking, Maria made up a great song about what we were doing. It went something like this:

Oh, we're walking in a line! Walking in a line! Mommy and Amelia! Daddy and Maria! And Aunt Becky way far away! We're walking in a line! (repeat for five minutes on so at the top of your voice)

(I suppose this song is another reason why Jim was so tired at the end of the hike.)

Maria to Aunt Becky: God wants you to move. God wants you to move over here so you can play with your niece.


When allowed to walk: "I running way! I running way!"

When invited to please sit down in the canoe: "No, thanks!"

When hearing rain on the roof of the motor home during nap time: "Oh! Clapping! Gammy clapping!"

When seeing the fire for the first time: "Candles!"

(Thanks to Kerry for the pictures of the girls.)

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