"For thus says the Lord: Lo, I will spread prosperity over her like a river, and the wealth of the nations like an overflowing torrent. As nurslings, you shall be carried in her arms, and fondled in her lap; As a mother comforts her son, so will I comfort you..." Isaiah 66:12-13

Monday, December 17, 2007

Wreath making...sort of...

Okay, so I cheated this year and instead of using the leftover greens from our tree to make a wreath, I bought one. Becky still made hers using our greens though. I just didn't know if I'd have time to do my own. I did decorate it myself though, all except for the gold bow at the top.

I think that it turned out pretty well.

Here's the pictures from our wreath making/decorating extravaganza.

A bear-y scary Santa.

A conversation that I had with Maria, before bed one night.

Maria: Mommy I want to talk to you about Ho-Ho.

Me: Yes Maria, what do you want to say about Santa Claus?

Maria: Mommy, Santa Claus doesn't claws people... Mommies and Daddies don't let Santa Claus claws childs. Mommies and Daddies protect childs from Santa Clauses clawses.

This is what I get for reading Every Autumn Comes the Bear to Maria... in it the bear claws a tree. Now how do I explain homophones to her?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Stuff I should have posted weeks ago....

Mostly just pics of the girls doing kid things.... I'll try to get a real post up sometime today, but we've got laundry and preschool to do. And a few super-secret Christmas presents we're working on, so the blog is low on my list of things to do.

Little Helpers


Dancing Girl.

A mouse? No, just Amelia.

Everyday Chaos.

Amelia the narcissistic mountaineer. (She's looking at a pic of herself.)

I wish it were this easy. Amelia loves imitating her big sister. Now if we could just get Maria back on track with potty training maybe Amelia will be trained early.... if only. Sigh.
Maria's wedding. Some of you have heard the story so here's the pic. That's Sam the Lamb. This was their first wedding. They will be married for two years. :) How's that for a pre-nup?

So there you have it all the things I should have posted over the last 2 months. Each picture has a funny story to go with it and I'm afraid the captions aren't adequate to tell it. But it'll have to do for now. There's a mound of laundry with my name on it, and a little girl on my lap who's a week behind in her 'schooling.'